Run Artisan commands form route or controller
January 30, 2015
//Setup route example Route::get('/myapp/install/{key?}', array('as' => 'install', function($key = null) { if($key == "appSetup_key"){ try { echo '<br>init migrate:install...'; Artisan::call('migrate:install'); echo 'done migrate:install'; echo '<br>init with Sentry tables migrations...'; Artisan::call('migrate', [ '--package'=>'cartalyst/sentry' ]); echo 'done with Sentry'; echo '<br>init with app tables migrations...'; Artisan::call('migrate', [ '--path' => "app/database/migrations" ]); echo '<br>done with app tables migrations'; echo '<br>init with Sentry tables seader...'; Artisan::call('db:seed'); echo '<br>done with Sentry tables seader'; } catch (Exception $e) { Response::make($e->getMessage(), 500); } }else{ App::abort(404); } } }));