Magento Product Email Notification
July 08, 2015
Magento Product email Notification to send mail to subscriber to new product created and every time
product save with the price changes . You can alert your subscriber about the your new product or
the product price change . It have the following option to send notification .
- Have an enable/disaple notification .
- Generate your own design email template .
- Email from name .
- Email from your email .
It have the feature to send newsletter of product notification manualy .
- Working with magento newsletter .
- Send mail to every subscriber.
- First time product save after "Mage Product Email Notification" extension installed .
- Every time product price changed increase or decrease .
- Mail sent only a product visibility "Enables" & Product have a stock .
- Manual send Newsletter of product notification .
- Related Product also added to email .
- Manual feach the subscriber log .
- Cron to Send mail .
- limit Daily mail .
- Limit to Daily mail per eamil .
- Limit to Mail Per cron .
- Send Mail by Email Order by Descending .
- Send Mail by Price Order by Descending .
- Send Mail by Product ID Order by Descending .
Newsletter Variable
Newsletter Variable can use in Transactional Emails
- {{var items_html}} get Product detail { Name , Description , Price } .
- {{var items_related}} get 3 Related Product detail { Name , Description , Price } .