Magento multi site
Do you want the multi store magento from Single installation of magento . If you want create multi store magento proceed my following way.
Process: 1
If your store have different type of Category and product then follow the steps. Catalog *then* Manage Categories *then* Add Root Category
Process: 2
Create the new Website System *then* Manage Stores *then* Create Website
fill up all asking.
Name: Name for the domain (“samdoit”)
Code : Identifier for the domain (“samdoit")
Create the new store System *then* Manage Stores *then* Create Store
Fill all fields
Website:) Select “” on dropdown .
Name: ) Use samdoit_com identify of store.
Root Category:) Select Categories from category list by default "Default Category"
Create store view:
System *then* Manage Stores *then* Create Store
View Store: Select “samdoit_com” show in dropdown menu.
Name and Code “samdoit_com”
Make sure all leters in smaller case Status: 'Enabled'
Process: 3
Create Magento another domains. You need to update this following files:
Find this two sample file installed
magento root directory
- index.php.sample
- .htaccess.sample .
Copy the two files and Rename both sample files by below names in your other domain.
- .htaccess
- index.php
Open “index.php”
and change line which start with“$mageFilename”
$mageFilename = ‘{Your magento root}/app/Mage.php’;
Also Change Line start with
$mageRunCode" $mageRunCode = isset ($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] : ”;
change ' ' into Your store code
$mageRunCode = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] : ‘samdoit_com’;
Theme Changes: You must to change skin, media and javascript link . Now set Magento admin Panel by click follow way click " Configuration in System on admin panal " In Configuration tab select {YOUR website/store } from the dropdown Under Configuration tab Click "Web" under Web tab select and change the link for Secure also Unsecured : Skin Link (eg: Media Link (eg: JavaScript Link (eg: Now you done . Now your multiple stores magento is ready to use. We can create you a Magento Theme for your site by just copy the folder and paste the folder into {your magento}/skin/frontend/default/{your theme} " and paste it as your store name and then just go the "system *then* configuration *then* Web *then* Design" and change the select your store name and paste the theme name whatever you have created in magento skin folder.