Magento Product Admin Notification
Magento Product Admin Notification to send mail to your admin user to new product created and every time product save with the price changes . cron to send email your alerady created product .
Magento Product Auto Email Alert to send mail to selected admin user by role new product Alert and price change . When a magento admin created a new product or edit product with the change of price . The magento admin user got an email form your store . You can alert your all admin user about the your new product or the product price change . In this Magento Product Auto Email Alert extension you have following option configure the notification setting all are required .
- Have an enable/disable notification .
- Generate your own design email template .
- Have an ption to send by selected admin user role .
- limit the daily email sent count .
from this extension you can notify your newsletter subscriber to know you have new product ready to sale .
Newsletter Variable
- {{var items_html}} get Product detail { Name , Description , Price } .
- {{var items_related}} get 3 Related Product detail { Name , Description , Price } .
Features |
Change Log | Version 1.0.0 ##########